
Crystal Clear Water, The Natural Way!
No Harsh Chemicals, No Poor Environmental Impact.

Water has such a vital role in our everyday-lives. With poor water quality, we live second-rate. Without water, we don’t live at all. This is the core of why we do what we do. Our products provide better water solutions that benefit people, animals, and the equipment and system your water runs through, all while staying environmentally friendly.

It has long been known that hydrogen peroxide is used by immune cells (white blood cells) in a process known as the oxidative burst, to effectively eliminate microorganisms in the body, then is safely neutralized by enzymes such as catalase and SOD. Hydrogen Peroxide is classified in microbiology as a “high-level disinfectant” which translates to a maximal level of destruction of most microbial forms.

The EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) has funded and published studies demonstrating significant inhalation and dermal (skin) absorption of carcinogenic chlorine by-products found in drinking water and bath (swimming pool) water.

Oxy Blast® is a hydrogen peroxide product with a proprietary formula engineered specifically for the concerns residential and agricultural customers face. It’s been established through many years of study and successful use in the well water treatment and animal production industries that only Oxy Blast can reliably and safely produce the correct results time and again. The core of Oxy Blast is composed of two important elements, hydrogen and oxygen. When Oxy Blast combines with water, it increases the oxygen content in the water, yielding clearer, cleaner water.

Residential Well Water Solutions

Oxy Blast has been used in well water systems for years. It is effective at reducing many common well and surface water problems including lowering dissolved ferrous iron, manganese and hydrogen sulfide content as well as disinfecting the water without the use of harsh chemicals and expensive UV systems. Targeting these contaminants has a drastic impact on your quality of living at home for you and your family.

Many of our first-time customers are skeptical at first, but once they experience how much better our products work over other water treatment methods, they quickly let us know how it’s changed their life. Treating your water with hydrogen peroxide can make your water drinkable and safe. Many people with high iron and sulfur content in their water tell us they had never been able to drink their tap water before. But after using our products they say the bad smell and taste is gone and they not only can tolerate the taste, but actually enjoy it.